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HKO 24-hour Time Series of 10-minute Mean Wind in Hong Kong

Starting Time (UTC): Year Month Day Hour
No. of Days since the Starting Time:    

2024/12/17 12:00[UTC] 2024/12/17 18:00[UTC] 2024/12/18 00:00[UTC] 2024/12/18 06:00[UTC]
2024/12/18 12:00[UTC] 2024/12/18 18:00[UTC] 2024/12/19 00:00[UTC] 2024/12/19 06:00[UTC]
2024/12/19 12:00[UTC] 2024/12/19 18:00[UTC] 2024/12/20 00:00[UTC] 2024/12/20 06:00[UTC]
2024/12/20 12:00[UTC] 2024/12/20 18:00[UTC] 2024/12/21 00:00[UTC] 2024/12/21 06:00[UTC]
2024/12/21 12:00[UTC]

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Environmental Central Facility   •   Institute for the Environment

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